SFCC E-mail Discussion List

Members of the SFCC communicate cycling and club information using the Google discussion group sfcc_group. You must be a member in good standing to join the group and all requests to join are verified by our group moderator.

New members who completed their application will be invited to join by the membership director. You will receive an e-mail confirming your subscription.

How to Subscribe (if not on the list)

  1. Send an e-mail to the list moderator at

  2. Include your member name and e-mail address you would like the club mailings to be sent

  3. Please allow several days for the moderator to reply back with an acknowledgement

How to Send an E-mail to the Group

Once you are subscribed, you can send e-mail out to the group by sending it To:   sfcc_group@googlegroups.com  Note that YOUR e-mail address must be registered in the sfcc_group directory.

How to Unsubscribe

  1. Send an e-mail to the following address:


    You do not have to include anything in the Subject or Message of this e-mail. Unsubscribing is automatic and immediate.


E-mail Discussion Group Topics

  • Ride announcements
  • Club administration and information
  • Special cycling events
  • Buy and sell (personal items only)
  • Advocacy announcements
  • Ride reports/diaries
  • Any other information you think others might like to know about

Do's and Dont's

  • Keep the subject of postings relevant to the membership of the SFCC. This can be interpreted broadly.
  • Please be courteous at all times and remember that SFCC has members of all ages.
  • Please take time to reflect before posting potentially inflammatory messages. Would publication beyond the list serve the interests of the SFCC?
  • Postings of private "For Sale" or "Items Wanted" messages by members are permitted.
  • No commercial solicitations are permitted except with prior approval of the SFCC Board.
  • The SFCC_GROUP is an open forum, but is moderated. The moderator can choose to place restrictions on the list operation if deemed necessary.