Tahoe Getaway Weekend Camp

Our SFCC Getaway weekend camp dates are Saturday September 23 and Sunday the 24th.

Our Saturday ride climbs the well-known Kingsbury grade which averages 6% over 8 miles, a feather in any cyclist’s cap.

Our Sunday ride around Lake Tahoe is called America’s Most Beautiful Bike Ride because of its beautiful scenery and spectacular views of the Lake.

The theme for our Getaway Camp is Socializing with Fellow Riders with a Saturday Happy Hour and Potluck dinner.


Itinerary and ride details:

Saturday’s ride - Arrive by 8:45 with pedals down at 9:00.

Start location - In Meyers at the Lake Tahoe Environmental Science Magnet School parking lot at 1095 E San Bernardino Ave. It has a big parking lot but no restrooms, so plan accordingly.

Route will have stops for lunch and water, bring pocket food. Woodford's is an important water stop for the climb. Day’s total is 54 miles with 4,750’ of climbing: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/44200175

Saturday night hotel for our Happy Hour, Potluck dinner and lodging is the Bluelake Inn at Lake Tahoe, $168 a single and $188 for a double, plus taxes. With AAA there is a 5% discount. https://thebluelakeinn.com/ 

Rooms have refrigerators and microwaves. ASAP reservations are encouraged for room availability. Hotel’s phone number is (530) 544-6459, address is 944 Friday Ave, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150. There are other hotels and campgrounds nearby.

Saturday’s Happy Hour will be from 4:30 to 5:30 followed by our potluck dinner from 5:30 on.

Happy Hour snacks will be provided but bring your own drinks. A $5 donation is requested for the snacks. If there are excess donations, funds will go to the club for ongoing operating expenses.

Potluck dinner - No signups for different dishes, bring what appeals to you. Store bought or made-at-home, all are welcome.


Sunday’s ride starts from the Bluelake Inn after checking out. Gathering at 8:45 and pedals down at 9:00. We will have stops for lunch and water.

Sunday’s route is 72 miles with 4,450’ of climbing: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/44212522

No SAG, no sweep, moderate distance rides can be out-and-backs depending on what distance the rider(s) prefer. Limited paper routes available, have routes downloaded or print the route directions.

Thank you Monica for the routes!

Any questions, please email Ed Keller at: getaway@sfcyclists.org


For insurance coverage, all SFC participants must be SFCC members and sign in each day. If other clubs provide a ride leader, their own sign in sheets, and the club has medical insurance and liability waivers, then their members do not have to join SFCC.