Frequently Asked Questions

  • New Members
  • Activities
  • Club Rides

How do I join the SFCC?

New members are always welcome. Come join us! We think you'll enjoy the experience. Click here to sign up and pay a membership fee with credit card online. We do NOT save your credit card info nor renew your membership automatically. You will be sent reminders via e-mail as to when to renew.

Is my personal information private?

When you sign up, we save your personal information in your profile which you can review and change here. This info is NOT available to the general public on the internet. Some of the information including e-mail address and cell phone # is available to members logged into the website.

How do I Login to the website?

Click on the website Membership tab, then the Manage Membership tab, and enter your the e-mail address you used to join the Club with along with your password. If you forgot your password or need a new one , click the Request Password link. Follow the instructions and an e-mail will be sent to you with a temporary password. Once you login with your temporary password, you can click the Change Password link and type in your favorite password.

What does the Login allow me to do?

When you log into the website, you can modify your profile and view some profile info of other members. The login is required to register for special events including BBQ's, Summer Camps, etc.

How do I get on the group mailing list?

If you are just signing up as a new member, our membership director will automatically add you to the group discussion e-mail list. If this does not happen, please go to this page and request to be subscribed. There are instructions at the bottom of each group e-mail as to how to unsubscribe from the list.

What are the benefits of joining the club?

The Club offers area cyclists the camaraderie and social rewards of associating with others who share the enjoyment of cycling. Social events and regular meetings provide a venue for sharing cycling interests, health and fitness information and an opportunity to suggest new cycling activities. Club members are able to take advantage of a variety of valuable discounts on bike parts and supplies and other services offered by our supporters.

Our Club rides allow riders to explore new routes and new areas while enjoying the encouragement of fellow cyclists. We provide Accident insurance through the League of American Bicyclists for members participating in club rides that augments members existing medical insurance. Joining with other cyclists is an opportunity to share safety concerns and provide collective support to lobby our elected/appointed officials for improvements that enhance cycling safety. As an active recreational organization the Club is also an avenue for supporting other recreation related functions and events that enhance our community.

What are some of the organized Club activities?

Our Club has had Fall BBQ's, three day Summer Camps in the Sierras, Christmas parties, and a variety of special event club rides throughout the year.

What communication methods does the club have?

The SFCC posts upcoming club rides and events regularly on its website calendar found on our website home page and calendar page.
Members can subscribe to the Google group, an e-mail discussion board. For more information or how to subscribe, visit our E-mail List page. Visit our Facebook page for more club information, comments, and related cycling activities.

What club meetings are held?

General meetings are held during the year at various locations. All members are highly encouraged to attend, participate in discussions, and meet other club members. We often invite special guest speakers or hold cycling related workshops. Bring your comments and creative ideas as YOU can make an impact on the direction of our club.

Club board meetings, with the Board of Directors, are held once a month. Members may also attend these meetings to listen in and contribute to club planning and related activities.

Are there volunteer opportunities?

Absolutely! Lead rides, organize events, help out with group activities - did I mention that we are all volunteers? Even me, the omniscient voice guiding you now.

Do I have to be a member of the SFCC to do Club rides?

Guests (non-members) are welcome on SFCC group rides. Find a ride that suits you from our calendar, show up at the start, and be ready to ride. Introduce yourself to the ride leader who can answer any questions you might have. For more info on riding with the club, visit our ride information page.
NOTE: In order to be covered by our club insurance, non-members will need to join the club after their first club ride.
You will need to sign a liability waiver at the start.

What are the requirements for participation in a Club ride?

All riders are required to wear approved helmets, comply with applicable traffic laws and observe normal safety practices.

If I’m unable ride at the group pace or experience a flat or other problem, will I have to find my way back on my own?

No. Club rides are intended to be recreational, not competitive. All rides are no–drop rides unless specifically stated otherwise. While some participants may elect to ride at a faster pace than the general group, ride leaders will ensure no rider is dropped. Any rider does have the option of telling the ride leader that they do not wish to be swept. Please note that the ride leader will still be required to wait at the finish location of the ride until all riders are accounted for. It is highly recommended that any rider wishing to not be swept carry a cell phone or ride with a buddy.

Can someone under 18 ride with the Club?

Yes. However, if the person is a guest, we ask that the parent show up and sign a release form prior to the ride.

Are SAG vehicles available for Club rides?

Except in very rare situations that would be identified in the ride description, SAG vehicles are not provided for normal Club rides.

How can I determine whether a posted ride is appropriate for my current abilities?

Riders are encouraged to review ride descriptions of distance, anticipated pace, topography and elevation gain to select rides that match their ability and interest. Riders should also consider weather conditions including temperature, wind, possible precipitation, and the availability (or lack of) water and food . When questions remain, the ride leader listed in the calendar should be contacted.

What time do rides start?

Check the calendar on our home page or calendar page for the exact time for each ride. The club generally starts rides at the same time on a month to month basis. The schedule is below for morning rides:

January - March 9:30 AM
April - May 8:30
June - August 8:00
Sept. - October 14th 8:30
Oct. 15th - November 9:00
December 9:30


This schedule is a guide for ride leaders to follow. However, some rides are scheduled differently due to the nature of the ride. Start times may also change at the last minute due to weather conditions. Watch for an updated e-mail or check the calendar for possible last minute time change.

What equipment do I need?

Since we are primarily a road bike riding club, you need a good reliable road bike. A listing of what you should bring to the rides can be found here.

How do I find out about club rides?

Club rides are posted on the ride calendar. Clicking on any listed ride will bring up details on ride type, distance, start location, time, and ride leader. Ride leaders generally notify the club via our group e-mail more details about a ride usually one or two days prior to the ride.

Why are there so few ride details on the calendar for upcoming rides?

Ride leaders typically submit rides a few days prior to the ride date. Check the calendar a few days before a ride for exact route info.

Do you ride in bad weather conditions?

We don't ride when its raining. Generally, the ride leader will send out an e-mail notice to the group about 1 1/2 hours before the start time whether the ride is cancelled due to rain. Other conditions that will cause a ride to be cancelled might be excessive fog or smoke from fires.


More details of our rides can be found at the top of our calendar page under the "Descriptions" tab